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1 Kings

Writer: Dan WrightDan Wright

Message Theme & Verses: 1 Kings

Memory Verse: 1 Kings 18:21 Elijah went before the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” But the people said nothing.

Traditionally, it has been thought that the prophet Jeremiah wrote the book of Kings that was first one large book together with first and second Samuel and was later divided into first and second Kings. The author used these books to tell the story of Israel’s monarchy and to develop the theological ideas from Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy set the standard for how God’s people should live according to the law, loving God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. These books show how Israel’s kings fall short of walking in God’s ways and keeping his commandments.

1 Kings begins Solomon and ends with Elijah. Solomon, known for his wisdom, gives into temptation toward idolatry through his accumulation of hundreds of wives. God raised the prophets to call his people to repent of their sin and to balance the wickedness of the kings. Elijah’s preaching does not turn evil kings like Ahab and his wicked wife Jezebel from worshiping Baal. The prophets warn the people to stop practicing idolatry and give them hope in God’s faithfulness.

About halfway through 1 Kings, we see Israel divided into two kingdoms, north and south. We trace the story of these kings who fail to lead the people in godliness and watch as God prepares them for discipline. Eventually, God will allow His people to be captured by enemies and exiled from their land.

Written or compiled during the exile, these books give hope to God’s people, captured and away from their land. They may have been thinking that God was not in control, but it was God himself who ordained the destruction of His chosen city and His temple. The sin of the people, their disobedience, and their refusal to heed the warnings of the prophets suffered the discipline of God, who used ungodly, sinful enemies as His means of discipline.

There are some good kings in 1 Kings, but all had sin and some were worse than others. God was teaching His people that He is the only true God and that His people must worship only Him. God would not share His worship or glory with others. Despite the failure of the kings to live up to God’s standard, God kept His promises to Abraham and David. God is gracious and always preserves His people.

From a human perspective, the time of the kings was a failure. The people continue to break their covenant and worship idols. The Prophets call for the people to follow God and the Kings usually chose evil. The story continues into 2 Kings and we know that God will find a way to save His people.

Read 1 Kings 18:17-40

Jesus in 1 Kings

As we read about Solomon’s downfall from wisdom into foolishness and watch the evil kings after him reject David’s godly reign in favor of sin and idols, we start to long for something different. We need a good king. We need a new King who can keep the covenant with the Father. We need a king who will overcome temptation and not rebel. That king is Jesus, the King of Kings and the true Son of David. Jesus will establish a new covenant with His people and usher in the Kingdom of God. Elijah is also a forerunner of Christ, calling people to follow God in humble repentance and faith.


  1. What is the biggest competition that you were ever in?

  2. How do you feel when Manny Pacquiao wins a big fight? What if he loses?

  3. Why does Ahab call Elijah the “troubler of Israel?” (Elijah was just the messenger, but Ahab thought because his message was about judgment that Elijah was the cause of Israel’s trouble. Elijah told the truth, Israel was under God’s judgment because they were sinful and the king, Ahab was worshiping Baal.)

  4. Do you ever feel like you are pulled between worshiping God and following after idols?

  5. Elijah was by himself against 450 prophets of Baal. How do you think he felt? (Elijah did feel lonely. He thought that no one else was following God and even asked God to take him to heaven because he couldn’t bear to be so alone. God encourage Elijah and told him that there were others who were loyal to God. God even gave Elijah a friend and assistant in Elisha. God made us people of relationship who need to be around others. This is why it is so important to have a church so we can encourage one another.)

  6. What was the difference between the way Elijah acted and the way the prophets of Baal acted? (The main difference is that Elijah was confident in the one true God and those who followed Baal were following a false god who could not do anything. The false prophets tried to appease their god with cutting themselves, crying out and suffering. Elijah made his alter harder to light on fire so he could prove that there was no trick, only God could do such a miracle. Then, in his faith, Elijah simply prayed according to God’s will, that those there would know that there is one God.)

  7. How should we stand up to false prophets today? (Our biggest weapon is the word of God. We teach it and study it all the time so we know exactly what God has said. Then, we can be prepared to answer against false prophets. Like Elijah, we can pray. We fight false teaching with boldness, truth, and love.)


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