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1 Samuel

Writer's picture: Hannah McCurleyHannah McCurley

Message Theme & Verses: 1 Samuel

Memory Verse: 1 Samuel 16:7 For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.

Samuel the Prophet was the last of the Judges and the man God used to establish the monarchy in Israel. Samuel anointed both Saul and David as we see the differences between the king men choose and the king God chooses. Traditionally, Samuel is the author of this book that originally was part of a very big book called Kingdoms, including 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 & 2 Kings. The book was probably finished though after the reign of King David to commemorate all that God had done.

This is the story of how God exercises His rule by setting up a kingship in the house of David. 1 Samuel is the kingship of Saul and 2 Samuel is the kingship of David. The two books are written to contrast one another as Saul is chosen by men and rejected by God as he fails to live under God’s rule. David is selected by God and though he also sins, he is a man after God’s own heart.

1 Samuel is about God establishing the monarchy in Israel and God preparing David to sit on the throne. In order to be acceptable to God, the king must obey the word of God. This is what Jesus the Messiah-King did in His life of obedience to God the Father, even up to “death on a cross.”

God promised Abraham that kings would come through him and David is the fulfillment of that promise. There are other important themes in 1 Samuel as well.

  1. God’s kingship – Israel’s king is not like the king of other nations, ruling at his pleasure. Israel’s king is established by God and under God’s authority and rule.

  2. Providence – God guides all things in life by His plan. We are not subject to fate or a random universe, but God works all things for His glory and the good of those who love Him.

  3. God’s sovereign will and power – God is all knowing and chooses and rejects. God work wonders, wins battles, and even uses His enemies for His purposes.

1 Samuel is an epic hero story focusing on the three leaders, Samuel, Saul, and David. Hannah, Eli, and Jonathan also play major roles in the story. Twice, we see a rise and a fall. Eli and his sons go down as Samuel is being brought up and the man chosen king Saul is falling from grace just as David is ascending as the new God chosen leader. As we read, pay attention to the characters and their attitudes as well as their actions. We will see what it means to be a good leader and a bad leader and what it means to follow God.

Read 1 Samuel 15:1-16:13

Jesus in 1 Samuel

While Judges shows the problems of the people of Israel and their leaders, 1 Samuel shows how a loving God cares for His people and raises us a king to be their champion, representative, and example. David is of course representing the coming King Jesus. David is just a preview, a taste of what is to come. All through his kingship, Saul pursues what is good for Saul, David is for the people and is willing to sacrifice himself for them. David is willing to fight bears and lions to save his flock and the giant Goliath who defies the Lord and terrifies the people of Israel. Only King Jesus can defeat Satan the prowling lion and free us from the oppression of our sin.


  1. What are the best characteristic for a king to have?

  2. Who do you think should be king?

  3. What are the differenced you see between Saul and David? (Saul wanted his own glory and David gave glory for God. David worshiped God and Saul wanted the people to worship him. Saul looked like a king and mighty warrior, David has a heart for God. Saul makes excuses for his sin and David confesses and repents. Saul follows his sinful and deceptive heart and David follows God’s word.)

  4. Why didn’t Saul obey God and destroy the Amalek? (Saul wanted glory for himself. He wanted to keep the riches, to erect a monument to himself, and to have king Agag as a trophy. Saul wanted people to think that he was great. David wanted people to think that God is great.)

  5. What does it mean to you that God is the true king of the world?

  6. Do you think God works in your life? What does that look like?


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