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Writer: Dan WrightDan Wright

40 Moms 40 Weeks – God’s promises are true and reliable.

Mom: Eve

Children: Abel, Cain, Seth, Others

Gospel Connection:

Even though Eve sinned, God promised that her seed (Jesus) would save her.

Ice Breaker Question

How are your children different than each other?

Bible Reading

Genesis 3:14-16; 4:1-26


The Bible doesn’t tell us how Eve raised her children. We do know that Abel worshiped God and made proper sacrifices to Him. We know also that Seth was a godly man, so we can believe that Eve taught Cain properly as well. Remember that because of her sin of disobeying God in the garden, Eve had the curse of a painful childbirth and that Satan would be at war with her children. Of course, since Adam and Eve were the first people, we are all their children. Satan can tempt us like he did to Eve and help to stir up the sinful desires that are already in our hearts. Eve must have been heartbroken when Abel was killed and Cain was sent away because he is a murderer. But she maintained her faith in God. God promised her that her offspring would defeat the serpent, Satan. This could not be Abel who was dead or Cain who gave himself over to sin, but Eve had faith that God would provide a savior for her and for all of us. God gave Adam and Eve another son and Eve named her son Seth, meaning “he (God) appointed.” Seth points us to Jesus, the perfect son of Eve. Jesus is the second Adam who would save His people from sin and Satan and even the curse of death that came to all men when Adam sinned. We too can have faith in God to keep His promises and can pray that He will save our children as well and give them new hearts. Ultimately, we cannot save our kids, only God can.

Question led Discussion

1. How do we know that our children are sinners? Do you have any examples?

Give opportunity for discussion

2. If you gave your child a name to reflect how you want them to be or to remember a promise of God, what would you name him or her?

Give opportunity for discussion

3. Can you think of a time recently when you or another adult acted like a child?

If you already have children or have ever been around a two or three year old, you know that we are all sinners because our father Adam sinned. It is our nature to love only ourselves and to throw a fit like a toddler when we don’t get our way. Sometimes we throw things, yell, or don’t speak to someone who has hurt us or just because we are mad. God says that because He loves us, we should love as well and be satisfied in Him.

4. Can you tell us about a time when your kids were arguing or fighting?

Give opportunity for discussion

5. Children are a gift from God. However, because of our sin, childbirth and even raising children can be quite painful. How have you seen pain in birthing or mothering?

Give opportunity for discussion

6. How will our children be saved?

(The same as anyone. The Bible says that people must hear the Good News of Jesus to be saved. We need to tell them that they are sinners who cannot be good enough to earn their way to heaven. God hates sin and must punish sinners. If they want to avoid punishment and be made a new person and a part of God’s family, they must repent of their sins and believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior. Jesus lived in perfect obedience to the Father. Jesus died on the cross as a substitute for those who would believe. He satisfied the wrath of the Father, took the sins of God’s people onto Himself and gave His righteousness to them. All who call on the name of Jesus to save them will be saved from the punishment of hell and be welcomed into eternal life together with God. When our children hear this good news, the Holy Spirit must apply it to their lives, giving them a new heart to hate their sin and love to follow Jesus.)

7. How can we best trust God’s goodness, justice, and promises for us and our children?

(We can start by reading the Bible and seeing how God is faithful to always keep His promises. We can pray that God will save our children and give us the strength and wisdom to teach our children the Gospel of Jesus and how to obey God’s word. We can gather with other moms and believers to share our stories, encourage each other, pray for one another, and love our children together. We can trust that God is just and right and will save all those who belong to Him.)

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