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Writer: Dan WrightDan Wright

40 Moms 40 Weeks – The best love is found in Jesus.


Children: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dinah (Gad & Asher through Zilpah)

Gospel Connection:

God loves the unwanted and unloved.

Ice Breaker Question

Who is the most beautiful person you know?

Bible Reading: Genesis 29:16-35


Leah’s father tricked Jacob into marrying her even though Jacob loved her beautiful sister, Rachel. Jacob married Rachel as well and Leah had to live every day knowing that her husband loved and was attracted to her sister instead of her. God gave grace to Leah and she was able to have children. We can see Leah’s pain in the names of her children. She said that God had seen her affliction and tried to purchase Jacob’s love, naming her first son, Reuben, to say “look, I’ve given you a son, please love me!” Next, Simeon was a sign that God saw Jacob did not love her as much as Rachel and gave her another son. Soon after came Levi, meaning attached, referring to the hope Leah had that Jacob would attach to her through their children. Finally, Judah, meaning praise, was born and Leah found that God’s love and care for her was even more important and satisfying than that of her husband. God was very gracious to Leah who became mother to Israel’s priests through Levi and the kings through Judah. Judah is the ancestor of King David and even Jesus Christ, the King of kings. Sometimes we search for love here on earth when we need to look for love in heaven.

Question led Discussion

1. What do you think is your most beautiful feature?

Give opportunity for discussion

2. Tell another woman in the group what is beautiful about her.

Give opportunity for discussion

3. How would you feel if you were in Leah’s position and you had to live with the woman your husband loved?

Give opportunity for discussion

4. What names would you give your children if you were describing your relationship with your husband?

Give opportunity for discussion

5. What blessings did you see God give to Leah?

Even though he was not perfect, God did give Leah Jacob as a husband and he cared for her and provided for her. God gave Leah many children. Her rivalry continued with her sister and she also birthed Issachar, Zebulun and their daughter Dinah. When Leah died, she was buried with her husband and his family including Abraham and Isaac. I imagine Leah is happy in heaven meeting all those God blessed through her and her children. The priests of Israel call her son Levi Father and Jesus himself comes from the line of Judah.

6. What is something your husband says to you or does for you to make you feel loved?

Give opportunity for discussion

7. Judah means praise and Leah was praising God even in a lonely situation. When is it most difficult for you to praise God?

Give opportunity for discussion

8. What is the greatest blessing God has given you?

God gives us many good things because He is a good Father. He makes the sun shine and the rain fall. He gives us food, family, and people who love us. He has given us His Word so we can learn who He is and how to be in a relationship with Him. Just as Leah’s sons were a blessing to her and to the world, God gave His Son as a wonderful blessing to us. Even though He was perfect in heaven, being worshiped by all the angels, Jesus became human and came to earth to live a perfect life, though he suffered pain, sickness, evil, and temptations just like we do. Jesus was the perfect Son who pleased His Father way better than Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, or you and I ever could. Then, He gave His life on the cross, taking on the sins of the world though He was perfectly innocent, and rising from the grave to prove His divinity. Now, those who believe in Him are cleansed in His blood and clothed in His righteousness, never to be shamed, unloved, or unwanted again. Jesus has made us clean and acceptable by the Grace of God, through our Faith in Him. Believe in Jesus today.

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