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A Dream of Heaven (JSB)

Writer: Dan WrightDan Wright

Message Theme & Verses: A Dream of Heaven: Revelation 1, 5, 21, 22

Memory Verse: Revelation 22:20 He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

Some years after Jesus returned to heaven, Jesus’ followers were starting churches everywhere. This made some people very angry. They didn’t like the Good News of salvation. They wanted people to stay slaves to their sin. They wanted to keep doing bad. So, many of Jesus’ disciples were arrested and put in prisons. Many were even killed. Paul was beheaded. Peter was crucified upside down. Matthew was stabbed and James was stoned. John was arrested, but he was not killed. He took care of Mary, the mother of Jesus, just as Jesus asked. Later, he was arrested and sent to live alone on an island. This could not stop God’s plan! You are able to hear the Good News about Jesus today because God used these men and many other men and women to take big risks and make big sacrifices.

While John was on his island, he heard a loud voice one morning and turned around to see Jesus, bright and shining like the sun. Jesus told John that he was about to see a wonderful vision and told him to write it down. We call John’s vision the book of Revelation. John saw many things. Maybe the most important thing he saw was King Jesus sitting on a throne. There were people singing and bowing all around the throne saying how wonderful Jesus is. These people come from every kind of people on earth, Ilocanos, Americans, Visyans, Chinese, Mexicans, Germans, and all of the others! They all say that Jesus is the only one worthy of praise because He is the perfect Savior. He is the Lamb who died for the sins of the world. Next, John saw Jesus defeat Satan and throw him forever into a bottomless pit. Finally, John saw Jesus returning to the world to rescue His people and to judge and punish the wicked. He saw a beautiful city coming down from heaven. Because evil is defeated and there is no more sin, heaven and earth become one and we can live forever, together with God. John saw how God makes everything new through Jesus. In this new Kingdom, there is no death, or sin, or sadness. At the end of John’s vision, Jesus said “be ready, I’m coming soon.” John replied “Come quickly, Jesus!”

Barkadang Questions

1. Almost all of the apostles were killed for their faith. What do you think is the worst way to die?

2. What in life is worth dying for?

3. How do you think John felt when Jesus showed him this vision?

4. What do you think heaven looks like? (Lots of people think heaven will be floating on clouds, playing harps, but this is not the picture in the Bible. The Bible says we will be living on a new earth, and talks about cities and gardens. Together with God forever, there will be no sin, no death, and no sadness.)

5. In heaven, there will be people from every nation. From what country would you like to meet someone?

6. What song would you sing for Jesus around His throne?

7. The Bible says that there will be streets of gold and walls of jewels in this new city. What do you think would make a beautiful city?

8. Who do you think will be heaven? (It is popular today to think that heaven will be filled with many kinds of people. People think that is doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you have faith in something. The Bible says this is not true. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father, but by me.” You must have faith in Jesus alone to be saved. Some people think living a good life will get them to heaven, but the truth is no one lives a good life, everybody has sin. We all need a savior and Jesus is the only one who can save. Put your faith in Jesus and live forever with Him.)


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