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Go into all the world (JSB)

Writer: Dan WrightDan Wright

Message Theme & Verses: Going Home: Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 21

Memory Verse: Mark 16:15 Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.

Jesus’ friends were still sad. They did not believe the women who told them Jesus was alive. They were all huddled together in a locked room when all of the sudden, Jesus was in the room with them. At first, they thought it a ghost, but Jesus told them He is real. Some still did not believe Him so He showed them the wounds on his hands. Jesus sat and ate with His disciples, showing that He was real because ghosts don’t need to eat. Jesus appeared to His disciples and other people too. He gave them a really big job. Jesus told His followers to follow Him and to obey His commandments. He told them to not worry about what other people do or the blessing they receive, but to be faithful themselves. Jesus told His followers that He was going back to heaven to be with God the Father. Don’t worry, He said, I will always be with you. While He was still on earth, Jesus told His followers that the whole Bible is about Him. There were so many people in the world who did not know about Jesus. There was no newspaper or television or internet back then. Jesus told His followers to go all throughout the world and tell everyone about Him. Baptize them, He said, and teach them to obey My commandments. Everyone who believes will have eternal life and those who do not believe will be condemned.

Barkadang Questions

1. What are some things that all living people have to do?

2. What would you do if you saw a ghost?

3. How do you think Jesus’ disciples felt when they saw Him?

4. What is the biggest responsibility you ever had? Did you have a special job or have to care for your siblings?

5. What is the Bible about? What is its purpose? (The Bible is the real life story of Jesus. It is 66 books written over a long time under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. There are many different stories in the Bible, but they all point to Jesus and how wonderful He is. First, Jesus created the whole world and everything in it. The stories before Jesus became a person and was born a little baby give people hope that the rescuer was coming. Finally, Jesus comes to be with His people. He lived a perfect life and died for their sins on the cross. Jesus came back to life and went to heaven to be with God the Father. The last parts of the Bible tell about how Jesus’ disciples followed His command to tell everyone about Him and about How Jesus will return to judge the wicked and save His people.)

6. Why did Jesus tell His followers to teach people about Jesus? (Jesus is worthy to be worshiped by all people and they can’t worship Him unless they know about Him. Also, Jesus is the only way to get to heaven and God the Father. He says “No man comes to the Father, but by me.” Because all people have sin, they are the enemies of God. Only Jesus can take away that sin and make people right with God. People must have faith in Jesus and they can’t have faith unless someone tells them who Jesus is.)

7. How can you obey Jesus’ command to tell everyone who He is and to teach them to obey His commands?


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