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Writer's pictureDan Wright


40 Moms 40 Weeks – We have a God who sees us and our children.

Mom: Hagar

Children: Ishmael

Gospel Connection:

God sees His people and gives help to the outcast.

Ice Breaker Question

As a mom, there may be many things you do that no one sees or gives you credit for. What is one thing you do that your husband, kids, or others should know about?

Bible Reading: Genesis 16:1:16


Abraham and Sarah did not have faith and tried to make their own way to fulfill God’s promise of a family. Hagar was used by this couple and later abused by Sarah. Hagar was not from the chosen people of God, but she is the first person in the Bible to give God a name. She calls Him the God who sees and God names her son Ishmael, which means “God hears.” God had great love and care for a servant who did not chose to be a mom. Some may say that Hagar’s son Ishmael was a mistake, but God does not make mistakes. You are not a mistake. Your baby is not a mistake. God chose for you to be born and for your babies to be born. Call on the God who sees you and your situation and who hears your cries. Turn from your sin and put your faith in Jesus. All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.

Question led Discussion

1. Do you think it is important that God accepts a name from a woman who was both a slave and a foreigner?

God shows that He is the one true God for all people. He is God to men and women, rich and poor, and all the nations of the earth. Women did not have a high position in society in those times, but God saw Hagar, even though she was low. He heard her cries and He helped her.

2. Was Hagar perfect in the story?

The Bible says that Hagar “looked with contempt” on Sarah. This means that she started to feel superior that she could get pregnant and Sarah could not. Hagar was not perfect, but she was still the victim of someone else’s sin. Life can be like that and we can be both a sinner and have people sin against us. God promises to forgive and to comfort those who put their trust in Jesus.

3. Hagar thought her life was too terrible to go on and she ran into the desert, which was almost like suicide. Can you tell about a time in your life when you felt hopeless?

Give opportunity for discussion

4. Sarah was jealous of Hagar. Can you think of a time when you were jealous or when someone was jealous of you? What did you do?

Give opportunity for discussion

5. God tells Hagar to go back to Sarah and to submit to her. God often asks His people to do difficult things. Can you think of difficult things followers of Jesus do?

Those who follow Jesus are commanded to die to themselves. This means to give up your own desires and to instead live a life that shows how great God is. Sometimes, Christians leave their families and move to far away places to tell others about Jesus. Sometimes, they quit their jobs if they are asked to do dishonest things. Christians stop chasing after wealth and fame and are supposed to live quiet and holy lives. In some places, it is illegal to be a Christian or to share about Jesus. People can be put in jail, have their property taken, and some are even killed. Maybe one of the hardest things Christians must do is love other people. Jesus says to love even our enemies. That means when someone gossips about us, steals from us, or treats us unfairly, we are supposed to love and pray for them.

6. Later, when Sarah gives birth to her own son, Isaac, Hagar and Ishmael are sent away into the desert again. Hagar thinks they will die until God rescues them again. What are some ways that you have seen God protecting your children?

Give opportunity for discussion

7. God told Hagar that her son would be a “wild donkey of a man.” Can you tell us any stories about your wild son?

Give opportunity for people to share

8. Hagar said that God sees us. How is that comforting to you?

It can be scary to have a God that sees. This means that God sees us in our sins and when we do bad things. Thankfully, God saw that sinful people could never do enough good to make up for the bad we do. He sent His Son Jesus to live the perfect life. He never lost faith like Sarah or acted boastful and superior like Hagar. Even so, Jesus sacrificed His own life and died the death of a criminal so sinners like us could be set free. God the Father saw all that Jesus did and He listens to those who cry out for help. Today can be the day that you cry out to God and say “I know I am a sinner and I need a Savior. Please rescue me from my sin. I want to follow Jesus and love God with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength.” God sees and God hears.

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