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Hebrew Midwives

Writer: Dan WrightDan Wright

40 Moms 40 Weeks – Fear God, not man.

Mom: Hebrew Midwives – Shiphrah & Puah

Children: God gave them families

Gospel Connection:

God honors those who fear Him

Ice Breaker Question

What is your biggest fear or phobia?

Bible Reading: Exodus 1:8-22


This is a story about fear. Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt was afraid he would lose his power and control over the Israelite slaves. He decided to fight his fear through oppression and causing fear in God’s people. Pharaoh ordered the midwives to kill all of the baby boys who would be a threat to Pharaoh when they could fight. The midwives were afraid of Pharaoh who could kill them, but they were more afraid of God and chose not to kill the babies. Sometimes, it is easy to concentrate on what is happening in this life and to forget about eternity. The midwives were faithful to God and He rewarded them with families of their own.

Question led Discussion

1. Midwives have been helpful for thousands of years. How has God blessed you through a midwife?

Give opportunity for discussion

2. Some people think that the Hebrew midwives lied to Pharaoh in this story. What do you think?

The Bible says the midwives told Pharaoh that the Hebrew women were strong and gave birth before the midwives arrived. We do not know if this was true or not. In the story, God was pleased with the midwives, not for what they said, but for their faith in Him. Even though they were in a scary situation and knew Pharaoh could kill them, they trusted God to care for them and knew that God’s rewards and punishments are much more powerful than anything Pharaoh could do.

3. Some countries with many people, like China, have policies that limit the number of children a family can have. How would you react if the government made a policy like that here?

Give opportunity for discussion

4. What do you think you would have done if Pharaoh gave that order to you?

Give opportunity for discussion

5. What do you think is the hardest part of a midwife’s job?

Give opportunity for discussion

6. Have you ever been there when someone else’s baby was born? What was it like?

Give opportunity for discussion

7. The midwives were strong and brave. Who is the bravest person you know?

Give opportunity for discussion

8. There are many things to fear in life, evil rulers like Pharaoh, an angry or drunken husband, cultural customs that bring us shame if we do not follow, gossip from other wives and moms, and other things. How can we choose to fear God and do what is right when we feel pressure and are afraid of these other things?

The Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and of course we want to be wise. It is wise for all people to fear God. He is holy and hates sin and sinners. He is also powerful enough to destroy anyone, body and soul. We are weak and sinful and can never stand up against the All-Powerful God. Praise God, He is also loving and kind and made a way that we can honor Him though we are sinful. The Bible says that perfect love casts out fear. Further, if we have faith that Jesus took the punishment we deserved and satisfied God’s wrath against sin, we do not need to fear punishment. The Bible says that God is for us if we put our trust our Savior and there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

9. This story helps us to think about our children as blessings from God that He will use to carry out His plan. How are your children a blessing in your life?

Give opportunity for discussion

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