Message Theme & Verses: A little girl and a poor frail lady: Luke 8
Memory Verse: Luke 8:48 And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.”
God prepared Jesus for His ministry with baptism and then suffering and temptation in the desert. Jesus was able to defeat temptation by using God’s perfect Word to know the truth. He went around to many places telling people to repent and believe and He forgave their sins. Jesus also did special works called miracles. He casts out demons that were troubling people. Jesus control nature and could calm dangerous storms. Jesus also healed many sick people. Jesus did these things because He loved people. He was also showing them that He was send from God the Father. His message was so important that He wanted people to know His Good News. Jesus’ miracles showed that He had authority and that the people should listen to what He was saying. One person Jesus healed was a 12 year old girl. Her dad, Jarius believed that Jesus was truly God and could heal his daughter. On the way to see her, Jesus stopped to heal another lady who was sick for 12 years. This lady’s sickness made her unclean and ashamed, just like our sin makes us unclean. The lady knew that Jesus could help her, even though she was dirty. She had faith. Jesus didn’t worry about becoming unclean Himself, he just helped the lady, but while He was helping, the little girl died. Even this was not too hard for Jesus. The people laughed because dead people cannot come back to life, but for God, nothing is impossible. He healed the little girl so the people would believe in God’s power even over death.
Barkadang Questions
1. What is a miracle? Is this the way that God usually works in our lives? (A miracle is when God works very directly outside of the natural order to accomplish His will. This means that miracles look unusual, like Jesus walking on water, healing a blind man, or bringing a little girl back to life. Usually though, God works in our lives through something called Providence. The Bible says that God is in control of all things. God set up the universe and its law so that rain falls down and not up and the sun rises every morning. This is still a sign of God at work and we should thank Him for His blessing. The Bible says that Jesus holds the whole universe together, without God, there would be no world, there would be no us! God is so loving to His children, the Bible says that all things work out for God’s glory and the good of those who love Him. What an awesome God!)
2. Have you ever been late for anything important? What happened?
3. Would you have stopped to help the sick lady or ran straight to Jarius’ daughter?
4. Jesus said that He felt power leave from Him to heal the sick lady. What super power would you like to have?
5. Why do you think Jesus stopped to heal the sick lady? (The Bible doesn’t tell us exactly, but we can think of a few reasons. First, Jesus was showing that he cares about all people. The lady was unclean and an outcast. No one wanted to be around her or they would become dirty too. If you became dirty, you could not go to the temple or be around others. Jesus didn’t worry about that. Jesus was always ready to get dirty to help others. Jesus was willing to take the shame of other people and put it on Himself. We need to know how kind Jesus is. Second, Jesus was teaching the people to depend on God and not to worry. Many times, people said to Jesus, “become the king now, rescue us,” but He would reply “God the Father has a perfect plan and we need to wait for Him and trust Him.” Jesus was teaching the people to trust God. Finally, Jesus showed the people that He was stronger than sickness and even death. Doctors and even just waiting for our bodies to work naturally can make us better from a sickness, but only God can raise people from the dead. Jesus is super powerful and we must listen to Him and obey.)
6. What is the worst sickness you ever had?
7. The Bible says that Jesus came to make all things new. Everything has been broken and made ugly because of our sin. What is an ugly thing that you would like to see Jesus make beautiful?