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Lot's Wife

Writer: Dan WrightDan Wright

40 Moms 40 Weeks – Jesus is better than the best the world has to offer.

Mom: Lot’s Wife

Children: 2 Daughters

Gospel Connection:

God demands obedience and punishes sin. Jesus is better than the world.

Ice Breaker Question

What is an exciting thing you would like to do?

Bible Reading: Genesis 19:15-29


Lot and his wife and daughters lived in a big city that was full of wealth the distractions of the world. Lot and his family were happy to participate in the fun and adventure offered by such a place. This city, Sodom, was also a place of terrible sin that God was going to destroy. Sin lies to us, telling us that it will satisfy our desires, but it will only destroy us.

God sent two angels to spare Lot and his family from the coming destruction. Though Lot and his daughters escaped, Lot’s wife disobeyed the angel’s command, turned back to the city of sin, and was destroyed. She traded her salvation for what she thought would be fun and fulfilling. Later, with no mother to guide and protect them, Lot’s daughters committed a terrible sin that led to trouble for God’s people for generations.

In Luke 17:32, Jesus tells us to “remember Lot’s wife,” showing that a failure to wholeheartedly obey God’s commands results in terrible consequences. Sometimes, we too can be tempted to choose to follow the world instead of God, believing the lie that sin or the pleasures of the world will satisfy us. The truth is that only Jesus can satisfy.

Question led Discussion

1. Why do you think God destroyed the city of Sodom?

Abraham prayed for God to have mercy on his nephew Lot and God removed him from the wicked city of Sodom before its destruction. God destroyed Sodom as a warning to sinners and as righteous judgment for their wicked sins. Both in Genesis and Jude, we are told that the people of Sodom were practicing homosexuality and had given themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. This was not their only sin and we are told in Ezekiel that the people were prideful and though they were very rich with many luxuries, they did not help the poor.

2. How do you think you can best practice being hospitable and helping those around you?

Give opportunity for discussion

3. Lot followed the angels and told his wife to leave a city that seemed perfectly fine. Has your husband ever asked you to do anything that sounded a little crazy?

Give opportunity for discussion

4. Abraham was Lot’s wife’s uncle, why wasn’t she saved?

Salvation is individual between God and each person. Just like Lot’s wife wasn’t saved because she was in Abraham’s family, we will not be saved because our parents or husband are Christians. We will not be saved because we go to the right church or hang out with the right people. Salvation comes only by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Lot’s wife did not believe.

5. Ephesians 4:22-24 says that we should put off our old self that was ruled by sin and put on our new self to be righteous and holy like God. What are some ways we can avoid being like Lot’s wife and leave our old life behind?

The Bible says that if we have faith in Jesus, we are born again and we are now a new creation. We have died to our sin and live to follow Jesus and to become like Him. This means that we reject our former self-righteousness, self-love, and other selfish ways. We now see the world differently and love to read the Bible and obey God’s commands. Of course, we are not perfect, but we are no longer a slave to sin. Reading the Bible, praying for God’s help, and sharing with other believers can help us in this process.

6. What is one lesson that you would like to teach your daughters?

Give opportunity for people to share

7. Jesus was talking about His second coming when He told His followers to “remember Lot’s wife.” How does this relate to us?

We too need to be ready for Jesus’ return. The Bible says we should be alert and watchful because no one knows when Jesus will come back to judge humanity. What will you be doing? This is a call to love God with our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Jesus says that if we love Him, we will keep His commandments. Lot’s wife was rescued from destruction by the angels, she was told that there was a way to escape, but she gave in to the temptation of sin and worldly pleasures. If we are constantly turning back toward the world, we should wonder if we are truly following Jesus.

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