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THe Captain of the storm (JSB)

Writer: Dan WrightDan Wright

Message Theme & Verses: The Captain of the Storm: Matthew 8

Memory Verse: Matthew 8:27 And the men marveled, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?”

Jesus taught His followers how to pray. Next He told them to not be worried, but to trust in Him. It is easy for people to worry and hard for them to trust. So, Jesus began to show them how powerful He really is. If God is powerful and God is good, then we don’t need to worry. Jesus healed many people, including a man with leprosy and the paralyzed servant of a solider. Jesus then told His disciples that if they want to follow Him that life would be difficult. After a long day, they decided to go across the sea and Jesus went to sleep in the boat. Then a huge storm came and the disciples thought that they would die. They woke up Jesus and said “we are going to die!” Jesus asked them why they did not have faith. Then, He stood up and told the storm to be quiet. Immediately, the storm stopped and the wind was calm. The men were afraid of the storm, but now they were afraid of Jesus. “How can anyone control a storm,” they asked? “Who is this man?” They did not yet understand that Jesus is God. They asked a very good question. Who is Jesus? Who do you think Jesus is? Is he a good teacher? Is he a kind man? Is he a powerful healer? Is he a good example? Or, is Jesus truly God, come down from heaven to save all those who trust in Him?

Barkadang Questions

1. Who is the strongest person you have ever seen, in real life or on television?

2. Have you ever seen anyone stronger than a storm?

3. There are many storms here in the Philippines. Are you ever afraid in a storm?

4. What is the worst storm you have ever seen?

5. What you would have done if you were in the boat with the disciples and the big storm came?

6. How was Jesus able to control the storm? (The Bible says that Jesus created all things and holds the whole world together. This means that Jesus created the seas and the wind and storms. They listen to His voice and He has power over them. Jesus can make the storm come and He can quite the storm.)

7. Why would God ever send a storm? (God uses the weather for lots of reasons. He sends the rain so food can grow. He used a storm and a flood to clean the world during Noah’s time when the people were very bad. In this story, God used the storm to show how powerful He is. He was teaching His followers to depend on Him and to have faith. The storm made Jesus’ followers feel helpless. They really were helpless. They could not defeat the storm. This is how we are in our sin. We are helpless to overcome our sin and temptation. We need Jesus’ power. Have you asked Jesus to use His power to change your heart and make you into a new person? Jesus is strong enough to calm the storm and He is strong enough to wash away your sin and teach you how to love.)

8. Who do you think Jesus is? (Many people think that Jesus was a wise man and a good teacher. They think that He has lessons for us to live a better life. Some people think that following Jesus will get them riches and health. The Bible says that Jesus is truly God. He created us and all things. He is the King of kings and deserves our obedience and worship. There is no one stronger or more beautiful than Jesus. He will judge the wicked and save His people. He has defeated sin, Satan, and even death. There is a cost to following Jesus. Christians do not live lives of comfort and ease. But, there is no one who can save like Jesus. No one else has the power to take away your sins and reconcile you with God the Father. Jesus is the perfect mediator and perfect savior. Ask Jesus today to show you who He really is.)


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