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THe Servant King

Writer's picture: Dan WrightDan Wright

Message Theme & Verses: The Servant King Part 2, Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, John 13

Memory Verse: Matthew 26:28 for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

After Jesus washed His follower’s stinky feet, they sat down to have dinner together. This was a special dinner and we call it the “Last Supper.” It was during the Jewish festival of the Passover. During this holiday, the Jews remembered how God saved them in Egypt. Every Jewish family killed a lamb and put its blood around their door. Later that night, God sent the Angel of Death to Egypt. The Angel killed the first born son of every Egyptian family, even the first born male animals. Only those who were covered in the blood were saved. Jesus told His followers that He is just like the lambs that were killed, but even better. The lamb’s blood only saved for one night. Jesus’ blood saves forever, not from physical death, but spiritual death. Jesus told His followers that one of them would betray Him. He thanked God the Father for the meal. Then, he broke a loaf of bread and handed it to His disciples. He told them this was His body He would give for them. Next, he poured out wine and gave it to His disciples telling them this was His blood, poured out for salvation in the new covenant. A covenant is a promise. God promised to save all of the people who trust in Jesus from their sin. Today, Christians all around the world eat bread and drink wine to remember what Jesus did for us on the cross. His blood covered the sins of all who believe in Him and allow us to be together with our holy God. At the end of the supper, Jesus told His disciples that they would all run away, but not to worry because even though He would be killed, He would rise again. Peter said that he would always be faithful to Jesus, but Jesus knew that Peter would deny even knowing Jesus, three times that night. Jesus went to the cross alone to fulfill prophecy and only the blood of perfect God man could clean sin.

Barkadang Questions

1. What would you like to be your “Last Supper?”

2. Who would you like to eat your “Last Supper” with?

3. Have you ever been betrayed by anyone?

4. Judas gave Jesus over to the authorities for 30 pieces of silver. How much would it cost for you to turn in your friend?

5. How is Jesus like the Passover Lamb? (Jesus was pure and unblemished. Jesus sacrificed His life to save the life of others. Jesus shed His blood. People need faith in God to put the lamb’s blood on their door and to believe in Jesus.)

6. How is Jesus different than the Passover Lamb? (Jesus is 100% God and 100% man, a lamb is just an animal. The lamb was a picture of the true sacrifice of Jesus. The lamb only saved the people on one night from the Angel of Death, Jesus saves us from our sins and allows us to spend eternity with God. A lamb had to be killed all of the time for the sins of the Hebrew and Jesus only had to die one time to cover all of the sins of God’s people.)

7. Why do people still take the Lord’s Supper? (Jesus told His people to continue to eat the Lord’s Supper to remember Him and how He died on the cross for sins and rose again to reign over the whole world.)

8. Is the bread and wine really Jesus’ body and blood? (The bread and wine are symbols of Jesus’ body and blood. Some people believe that the bread and wine magically become the real body and blood of Jesus. They think that Jesus is being killed all over again and this is a new sacrifice every time people eat the Lord’s Supper. The Bible book of Hebrews says that it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins, but Jesus’ blood has power. It says that Jesus had to make the sacrifice only one time and that was enough. After that, the Bible says He sat down at the Father’s right hand, showing that His perfect work was done for all time. Those who believe that the bread and wine become Jesus’ body and blood deny that Jesus’ death on the cross was enough for all of the sins of those who believe. This is a superstition.)

9. Who can eat the Lord’s Supper? (Communion means being together with God. This meal is for Christians only. Everyone who believes that Jesus is their Lord and Savior, follows Him, and has been baptized as a Christian can eat the bread and drink the cup.)


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