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THe Sun Stops Shining (JSB)

Writer: Dan WrightDan Wright

Message Theme & Verses: The sun stops shining: Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, John 19

Memory Verse: Mark 15:39 Truly, this man was the Son of God!

Jesus lived a perfect life, always obeying God the Father, but still they put Him on trial. The judge said that He was innocent, but the people wanted Jesus to be killed, so Pilate sent Him to the cross. The people were so angry, they were yelling “crucify him.” The soldiers were not nice either. They gambled for His clothes and put a crown of thorns on His head. Jesus was beaten and whipped, and they even spit on Him. Jesus is the one who created the mountains and the seas. He even created the people who were mocking and killing Him. Jesus created all the angels and is the commander of their armies. He could have called the angels down to take the nails from the soldier who hammered them into his hands and feet. He could have opened up the ground to swallow up those who were evil to Him. But, He was silent. Jesus knew that His sacrifice is what would pay the price for the sins of His people. Jesus was willing to die even for His enemies. Jesus cried out “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?!” quoting a Psalm that ends in victory. He was telling the people – right now, I am dying for your sin. I am separated from God the Father so you can always be with Him. Trust in God and He will rescue you! Jesus said “It is finished” and breathed His last breath. His work of salvation was complete. It seemed like the whole earth was sad that Jesus had to suffer the wrath of God the Father. There was a giant earthquake, even though it was midday, the sun went dark. The veil in the temple tore in half, showing that because of what Jesus did, the people no longer had to be separated from our holy God. When all of this happened, people started to believe. Even a Roman soldier said “truly, this was the Son of God.” Jesus’ friend took him and put him in a cave. The Roman solidiers rolled a giant rock in front of the door so no one could get in . . . or out. Jesus made a prophecy that He would rise again to new life in three days. Is anyone this powerful to control even death?

Barkadang Questions

1. If you could command an army of angels, what would you do?

2. Tell us about a time when people made fun of you?

3. Have you ever had a splinter or a cut on your hand or foot?

4. Why do you think they killed Jesus on a cross? (The Romans were really good at killing people. They wanted it to take a long time and to be really painful. They invented a lot of ways to do it. The cross was a really bad way to die. A person will hang there for so long that their body will get really tired and their lungs will collapse, suffocating them. So, the human reason was so Jesus would suffer. But God had a different reason. Remember that sin started with a tree. Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and disobeyed God. Later, in the Old Testament it says “cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.” In order for sin to be overcome, in order for God’s sinful people to be blessed, God Himself had to become a curse. Jesus was taken outside of the city so God’s people would never be cast out. Then, He was hung on a tree to be crucified, forsaken by God the Father, so all who believe in Jesus will be accepted.)

5. Have you ever been in an earthquake or seen an eclipse?

6. What do you think about those who mocked Jesus and said “crucify him?”

7. What makes you different from those people? (The Bible says sin is common to all men. Jesus died on the cross because He wanted to. He said, I give my life willingly, no one takes it from me. At the same time, we can see that it was our sin that sent Jesus to the cross also. It is not just the people who yelled “crucify him” or spat on Him that bear the blame. Jesus had to die to rescue you and me. What makes us different is faith. God gives faith to His people so they can believe that Jesus really is God and the King of all kings. When we have faith, we can stop rebelling against God and start loving Him and His ways. We can repent or turn from our sins and follow Jesus because He first loved us.)


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