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Treasure Hunt (JSB)

Writer: Dan WrightDan Wright

Message Theme & Verses: Treasure Hunt: Matthew 13

Memory Verse: Matthew 13:44 The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Jesus was good at many things. One thing Jesus was really good at was telling stories. People like stories because they are easy to remember, they make learning fun, and they can help us easily understand difficult things. Jesus had many things to tell His followers and He used stories to help them learn. Jesus’ stories are called parables. The cool thing about Jesus’ stories is they explained the truth to people who believed in Jesus, but they kept the truth hidden from people with hard hearts who rejected Jesus. Jesus’ stories helped to give faith to believers and hardened the hearts of the wicked. One time Jesus told a story about a man who found a treasure in a field. This man knew the treasure was so valuable and would bring him much joy. He sold everything he had to get the treasure. He knew there was nothing he owned that could compare to the treasure. For Christians, Jesus is the treasure. When we follow Jesus, we must leave things behind. We turn away from our sin and stop chasing the pleasures of the world. We know that the joy we have in being with Jesus is far better than any temporary pleasures here. When we have the great big joy of Jesus, we don’t have to try to get little joys from drinking alcohol, stealing things, fighting, having lots of boyfriends, worrying about who likes us, telling lies, or trying to be the best at everything. Sometimes, changing the way we live makes other people not like us. They love their sin and they want us to love sin also. Sometimes following Jesus means we have to have new friends or that people will make fun of us or try to hurt us. We pray that God will give us faith to believe that having Jesus is better than everything else in the whole world.

Barkadang Questions

1. What do you think is the greatest treasure?

2. What would you like to find in a treasure chest?

3. What would you do if you found a treasure chest buried behind Happy House, sealed shut with a big old lock?

4. If you found a treasure, would you tell anyone else? Who would you tell?

5. Do you think a person can be a treasure?

6. What person is the biggest treasure in your life?

7. What would you do to get a treasure? Would you dig? Would you trade something for it? Would you sell your house for it? Would you never see your friends again to get it?

8. What does it mean to say Jesus is our treasure? (It means that we love Jesus more than anything else. We love Him more than everything else put together. It means that we are willing to give up everything else to be with Jesus. We would trade our house, clothes, food, intelligence, good looks, talents, dreams, and even family just to be with Him. The Apostle Paul said it best in Philippians 3. He was encouraging a church to have faith and joy even in suffering. He told them to rejoice even when things are difficult or if they were suffering. He said that he used to love the things of the world. He especially liked it when people said that he was really smart and respected him. But now, he isn’t even worried if people shame him. He said that everything he used to think was so important is now like garbage to him because knowing Jesus is so much better. Yup, just like garbage. He would be okay if he just threw it out. A new car is like the wrapper from a Fudgie Bar. Fancy clothes are like dirty diapers. Being the best at basketball is like a broken old slipper. Paul didn’t need any of these things any more because knowing Jesus made him completely satisfied and full of joy.)

9. What makes Jesus the greatest treasure? (Many people want to be with Jesus because they think He can give them things. They say, “I want to be healed.” or “I want to be rich. “I want people to like me. I want new clothes. Jesus is powerful, He can give me those things. I want to live forever. I want to go to heaven. I want to have a good life before I go to heaven.” These might all be good things. It is good to want to go to heaven, but heaven is not the treasure, Jesus is. Remember Jesus made you and He loves you. It is so good to be with someone who loves you. Think about hugging your Mom. She made you and she loves you. It’s so nice to cuddle up with her and feel safe and loved and valuable. Moms think their kids are great treasures. But Moms also sin and their love is not perfect. Sorry moms! Jesus’ love is perfect. His love is better than anyone’s. Only Jesus can satisfy our greatest need for love. Only Jesus can make us truly happy. God’s plan is for us to be with Jesus forever, worshiping Him with perfect joy. Being with Jesus is worth everything. Ask God the Father to make Jesus your greatest treasure today!)


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