Major Concept: Fostering Change
Gospel Connection: Romans 12:1-2
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Review of prior Sessions:
Definition of Poverty
Four Broken Relationships
Poverty Alleviation
Types of Help: Relief, Rehabilitation, Development
Asset Based Community Development
Opening Exercise:
15 minutes
Ask 2 pairs and one group of 3 to perform brief skits on job interviews
Group 1 – 2 actors
Manger and Job Seeker have never met before
Manager – Please come in, thank you for coming in today. Let me ask, how did you hear about the job?
Job Seeker – I read about it on your website and I think I’ll be a really good fit
Manager & Job Seeker – improvise 2 minutes or so of a job interview
Manager – Thanks very much for coming in today, we will give you a call
Group 2 – 2 actors
Job Seeker has been referred to the position by a friend
Manager – Please come in, thank you for coming in today. We actually haven’t published our new position yet, but I understand you were referred by an employee?
Job Seeker – I went to college with Bob in your accounting department. We go to the same church and our kids play ball together. He let me know that a spot might be opening up in product development and knew that I have experience in that field.
Manager – Yes, Bob saved us an audit last year, uncovering an error from the previous manager. He’s a hard worker and really respected here. Let me tell you about the position.
Manager & Job Seeker – improvise 2 minutes or so of a job interview
Manager – Thanks very much for coming in today, we will definitely be in touch.
Group 3 – 3 actors
A Friend of Job Seeker has invited Job Seeker and Manager to lunch together
Friend – Miles, I wanted to introduce you to Sarah. We’ve been friends since high school and worked together at a start up before I came over to Cyberdyne Systems. She’s a wiz with AI tech and I’d love to get her onboard with the Skynet team once they get started with the T-1000 model
Manager – Kyle, you know we were looking for just one more to complete the team before launch. I didn’t think we would find someone since we haven’t been able to advertise. Sarah, tell me more about yourself.
Job Seeker – Thank you Mr. Dyson, I’d be glad to.
Manager, Friend, & Job Seeker – improvise 2 minutes or so of a job interview
Manager – Thanks very much for coming in today, let’s work together to see if we can make this happen.
Ask the group who they think is most likely to get the job and why?
Today, we are going to talk mostly about change, triggers for change, and how to foster those triggers and remove obstacles to change. However, I hope these skits give us some insight into an important resource we can offer as a church to the materially poor and that is our social networks.
Think back to various jobs you’ve had. What was the most important factor in you getting those jobs? Of course, you need to be qualified, but often who you know is more important than what you know.
Statistics on the importance of networking in job procurement
Recent surveys show that somewhere between 70% to 85% of people ended up in their current position thanks to networking
Additionally, some studies indicate that up to 70% of jobs are not published. These “hidden” jobs are only accessible through networking.
We often take our networks for granted and don’t think about the disadvantage others have when they lack connections. In many cultures, endorsements are critical, not just in the job market, but for government and other services, housing, education, and even food and utilities.
Reflection Question:
How do people change?
12 Minutes - Lesson 5
People cannot experience real, lasting change without the power of the Holy Spirit.
Development is a process of ongoing change, walking with people in a way that both they and you are brought into closer relationship with God, self, others, and the rest of creation.
A major obstacle for the materially poor is a lack of social networks. Networks constitute an enormous resource that can be brought to bear on the lives of materially poor people, not just as an act of “mercy,” but also as an act of “justice” in addressing the broken systems that oppress and marginalize many materially poor people.
Getting Started
Start Small – It is hard to foster participation in big, complex changes, and such projects rarely see early success. Encourage people to set small, achievable goals, and celebrate together once these goals are met.
Start with What Matters – To Them – Enter into a conversation with people about the changes that are most important to them. Sometimes these changes may not be achievable right away, may be too large, or may be dependent on other, more basic changes occurring first. But keep people’s dreams and goals (so long as they are healthy and biblical) as the primary vision for change.
Start Soon – Spending too much time planning and analyzing destroys people’s interest in changing. Help promptly channel their enthusiasm toward meeting the goals they have set.
It’s easy to find an army of people to volunteer one Saturday per year to paint dilapidated houses. Finding people to love the people, day in and day out, who live in those houses is extremely difficult.
Review Questions:
1. What are triggers for change?
A recent crisis
The burden of the status quo becoming so overwhelming that people want to pursue change. I can’t take it any more!
The introduction of a new way of doing or seeing things that could improve people’s lives.
2. What are some ways we may be able to foster change in people’s lives?
3. In what ways can we pray the people in our lives currently unreceptive to change?
4. In what areas of your own heart are you hardened to change?
5. How could you mobilize your networks on behalf of materially poor people who are interested in and ready to change?
Gospel Close:
Review the Gospel Connection verses
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in change?
How do we listen to Paul’s urging and be transformed by the renewing of our minds?